What is this?

Kali Yuga is a Sanskrit term meaning “Age of Kali” and describes the current period of time in the Hindu time-cycle. It is considered to be the darkest and most tumultuous age of mankind and is associated with increased levels of violence, greed, and a general lack of morality. In this age, the structure of society is guided by the principles of inequality, and spiritual teachings such as yoga and meditation are seen as increasingly important avenues for helping humanity become more conscious and compassionate. This is a time of transformation and opportunity to make positive change, and people must work to overcome the collective fear, prejudice, and hatred that can limit spiritual growth.

See also: non-dualistic thought, spiritual practice, mystical tradition

Alnoor Ladha - Mystical Anarchism: A Spiritual Biography 2,455

Alnoor Ladha (Stage 2 - Falling Apart) 665

Sacred activism and being of place - Alnoor Ladha & Helena Norberg-Hodge 595

The Kali Yuga & Deconstructing Capitalism - Alnoor Ladha | The Momentom Podcast 319

Alnoor Ladha on Post-Capitalism, Mystical Anarchism And Solidarity - E123 153

Contextualizing The Kali Yuga | ALNOOR LADHA | Why There's Hope During Dark Cyclical Times 49

Contextualizing the Kali Yuga with Alnoor Ladha | REC 2 0 3